Alan Marić

Alan Marić

He graduated from the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb, from the "Senior Tennis Sports Coach" department. He is a licensed coach of the Croatian Tennis Association - A category and the ATP B-level license. As the official coach of the Croatian Tennis Association and expert assistant, he worked for 5 years with junior national teams and younger categories. He accompanied the best Croatian players, including Marin Čilić, Antonio Veić, Nikola Mektić, Ante Pavić, Lovro Zovko and Roko Karanušić, to senior and junior Grand Slam tournaments. As a coach in women's tennis, he achieved significant results with Jelena Kostanić. At the beginning of his coaching career, he travelled for many years with Iva Majoli as her sparring partner. He also worked as a head coach of Jana Fett, the 2014 Junior Australian Open finalist. Today he is a main coach for advanced players in the Club, who have won the following tournaments: Tennis Europe in the 14 and under category, National Croatian Championships in the 14 and under category. National Croatian Championships in the 16 and under category, National Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and National Masters tournaments.

contact:office: +385 (0)1 369 3690
alan.maric at topspin dot hr
Ivica Bobi Orešković Ivica Bobi Orešković

ivica.oreskovic at topspin dot hr

Alan Marić Alan Marić

alan.maric at topspin dot hr

Bruno Perić Bruno Perić

bruno.peric at topspin dot hr

Jurica Markovic Jurica Marković

jurica.markovic at topspin dot hr

Matko Šarić Matko Šarić

matko.saric at topspin dot hr

Kristina Pilaš Kristina Pilaš

kristina.pilas at topspin dot hr

Daniel Ungar Daniel Ungar

daniel.ungar at topspin dot hr

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Courts rental

ŠRC Šalata
Schlosserove stube 2
10000 Zagreb
Courts: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Centre Court)


Tennis Club Top Spin
Jurkovićeva 17
10000 Zagreb
tel. + 385 (0)1 369 3690
fax + 385 (0)1 363 4733
e-mail: office at topspin dot hr